My Record Cover™ was created when I started asking my friends and family if they had to give their life a title at this very moment in time, what would that title be? I then decided to turn those titles into record covers. The word record in the title works two ways - The first is the actual record or album and the second is the act of preserving or keeping track of something. Creating a cover is a way to record a moment in your life, when you felt a certain way. The goal of mine is to design a record cover every day for the people who are kind enough to take part in my personal project. Now, we all know that real cover art is a process and can take a long time to create - that is not what is going to happen here. I set this project up so I can flex some design muscle on a different form of creative and have some fun. If you would like to partake in the project, please fill out the submission form on the SUBMIT page. Thanks! Maureen |